PLANT WHISPER x abC x HANGZHOU 2022 by Plants, Wanlin Jiang, Yunling Wu

Plant Whisper
is a collaborative research project between botanical artist Wanlin Jiang and digital artist Yunling Wu, focusing on the visualisation of plants dancing in the wind.

Plant Whisper traveled with abC Art Book Fair through Hangzhou OoEli and also had lots of vivid and interesting conversations with audience in this new space. If the key words for the exhibition in Beijing were ‘Stories, Fun and Childishness', then the exhibition in Hangzhou could be described as 'Sense and Sensibility'. The new space was divided into different areas: ‘Display Area', ‘Video Area' and ‘Description Area', which extended from the wall to the floor. While the exhibition highlighted the prints and videos of Plant Whisper, it also attempted to create 'Calm with rhythm' atmosphere, revealing a new side of Plant Whispers to audience.

Time: 9-12 September, 2022
Place: OoEli 4F-E10, Hangzhou, China
Medium: Mixed Media Installation
Website: www.plant-whisper.com
Exhibition Review: Plant Whisper X abC Art Book Fair X Hangzhou
Special Thanks: Plants, abC Art Book Fair, Volunteers

植物低語 x abC x 杭州 2022 by Plants, Wanlin Jiang, Yunling Wu

「植物低語」 是植物藝術家江宛霖和數字藝術家吳蘊玲的合作研究項目,專註於植物在風中翩翩起舞的可視化。

這一次,植物低語跟隨著abC一起遊牧到了杭州天目裏,在新的空間與觀眾產生了很多生動有趣的對話。如果說北京站的關鍵詞是「故事、趣味與童真」,那麼杭州站就可以用「理性與感性之間」來形容。新的空間,被劃分為不同的區域 :「展示區」、「影像區」與「介紹區」,由墻體延展到地面。在突出植物低語紙媒與影像創作的同時,試圖帶來一種「平靜中的律動」,向觀眾展現出植物低語嶄新的一面。

地點:中國杭州市天目裏OoEli 4F-E10
媒介: 混合媒材裝置                                                                        
展覽回顧:植物低語 X abC藝術書展·杭州站         

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