PLANT WHISPER x abC x BEIJING 2022 by Plants, Wanlin Jiang, Yunling Wu
Plant Whisper is a collaborative research project between botanical artist Wanlin Jiang and digital artist Yunling Wu, focusing on the visualisation of plants dancing in the wind.
In this collaborative exhibition with abC, we present a collection of works created so far, bringing the viewer on an imaginative journey with plants through multi-media artworks based around the theme of plant movement trajectories. The highlights of this exhibition are (1) the fusion of multiple media (2) small journeys within the larger nomad. In addition to the 86 plant trajectories collected so far on paper, we will also present 25 newly created unique and interesting glass trajectory sculptures and future plant-themed sculptures, as well as video works related to plant whispering, including "7 Ways of Understanding Plant Whisper", "Taoxichuan Documentary Short Film", "Workshop", etc. The exhibition includes 7 Ways of Understanding Plant Whisper
The alternating layers of multi-media works interact with each other, visually moving from weak to strong, treating the two walls as an unfolding scroll, allowing people to gradually step into the works, forming a complete narrative experience of listening to plant whispering. This echoes the theme of the abC Book Fair, 'Nomadism and Imagination'.
Time: 28-31 July, 2022
Place: Beijing Quanyechang Cultural Arts Center F1, Beijing, China
Medium: Mixed Media Installation
Lecture · A Multi-Media Journey to Decode The Language of Plants :2:00PM-3:00PM, 31 July, 2022
Website: www.plant-whisper.com
Exhibition Review:
Plant Whisper X abC Art Book Fair X Beijing
Special Thanks:
Plants, abC Art Book Fair, Volunteers, Wendi Xie, Jianchang Wang, Zhiquan Jiang, Jiahui Huang, Anqi Zheng, Qiyan Liang
植物低語 x abC x 北京 2022 by Plants, Wanlin Jiang, Yunling Wu
在此次與abC的合作展覽中,我們將呈現迄今為止的創作作品合集,通過圍繞植物運動軌跡主題的多媒介藝術創作,為觀眾帶來一段與植物同行的想象之旅。本次展覽的亮點在於(1)多媒介融合(2)大遊牧中的小旅程。除了在紙媒上展示至今為止收集的86幅植物運動軌跡之外,我們還將展出全新創作的25個獨特有趣的玻璃軌跡雕塑和未來植物主題的雕塑作品,以及植物低語的相關影像作品,包含「7 Ways of Understanding Plant Whisper」、「陶溪川紀錄短片」、「工作坊」等。
媒介: 混合媒材裝置
講座·解碼植物語言的多媒介探索之旅:2022.7.31(14:00 - 15:00)
展覽回顧:展覽回顧|植物低語 X abC藝術書展·北京站