00:00-24:00 by Wanlin Jiang(Fatking), Plants

This is an experimental project to document a 24-hour view of a tree. From observing trees, I discovered the existence of ‘Tree Eyes’, and then I tried to record the same 24 hours of different trees with cameras instead of ‘Tree Eyes’. And finally, I held ‘Tree Cinema’ for each trees to present their unique 24 hours.

I want human beings can know more about trees by watching the view of trees so that human beings and trees (nature) will have a closer relationship. This project is also trying to dash the stereotypes about how long films are and where they will be shown. In the ‘Tree Cinema’, each film is up to 24 hours and the film can be watched in the natural environment for free.

00:00-24:00 by Wanlin Jiang(Fatking), Plants



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